The world of tea is incredibly diverse. In addition to plenty of tea varieties, tea enthusiasts can also choose between different preparation methods. But which way is the best? There are several myths surrounding tea bags and loose-leaf tea, and we will look at each one of them.
Loose-Leaf Tea: Tea with Tradition
Each type of tea has its own tea tradition, a culture surrounding it and a unique history. These are reflected in both its production and preparation methods. Loose-leaf tea is the origin of all teas, as you simply pour water over the pure tea leaves.
Production & Quality of Loose-Leaf Tea
Whether it's black tea, white, green, or yellow tea, aromatic Oolong or special Pu-Erh: all types of tea come from the same plant, Camellia Sinensis. It all begins with the harvest of tender buds and juicy leaves of this tea plant. Careful processing is crucial to get the desired type of tea of the best quality.
For almost all types of tea, the freshly harvested leaves are first laid out in the sun to wilt. Then follows oxidation which lasts different lengths of time depending on the type of tea that should come out. During this process, the tea develops its complex, characteristic aromas and its extraordinary flavor profile. You can tell which type of tea has come out by the color of the leaves afterwards: for example, green tea remains vibrantly green due to fixation, whereas black tea consists of brownish-black leaves after complete oxidation. Depending on the type, the leaves are rolled or broken, as in the case of Oolong or black tea. Oxidation is stopped with heat and the leaves are subsequently dried. In the final step, the dried leaves are sifted in special machines according to their size. In the end there are four siftings depending on the different leaf sizes. The smaller sizes are more suitable for filling tea bags while the two larger siftings are processed into loose-leaf tea.
Variety of Loose-Leaf Tea
It is said that loose-leaf tea offers a greater variety. Why is that? Dried tea increases significantly in volume when brewed. Unfused in warm water, it can slowly unfold its complex aroma and tint the water in beautiful colors. Therefore, the leaves need space which is rather limited in a tea bag. Special tea types, such as rolled Oolong, need enough room to fully unfold and release their essential aromas. Therefore, Oolong teas, some other types and blends are exclusively available as loose-leaf teas at PAPER & TEA. The variety of loose-leaf tea is also greater amongst herbal and fruit teas, as whole flowers, whole fruits, and whole spices can be used. These often turn the fragrant infusion into a visual experience as well.

Tea Bags: The History and Evolution of Modern Tea Preparation
Tea bags are indispensable in our everyday lives. The history of the modern tea bag follows a pure coincidence. The American trader Thomas Sullivan sent samples of his precious tea in small silk pouches to his customers. They got the idea to dip the tea samples into hot water, along with the fabric bag. This unexpected method quickly gained popularity and sparked a wave of innovations in the tea sector.
Effortless Tea Preparation for Everyday
The success of the tea bag lies in its clear advantage: convenience. With just a few simple steps, you can make up a hot cup of tea. Therefore, many tea lovers prefer tea bags for their busy everyday lives, as a ready-packed tea bag saves time. It is perfect when things need to be quick and easy. You can buy tea bags in any supermarket; accessibility is why tea bags are found in almost every household. They are also excellent for preparing our favorite drink on the go or at the office – a soothing cup of relaxation for in-between.

The Production of Tea Bags
Tea bags have become an important part of overall tea production. To produce tea bags, so called fannings and dust teas are used. These are the two smallest tea leaf sizes that remain after sieving whole-leaf teas and broken-leaf teas. The latter are exclusively used for loose-leaf teas. The fine tea is filled and sealed into individual bags in several processing steps, precisely measured for one cup of tea.
Different Types of Tea Bags
Since the original silk pouches at the beginning of the 20th century, tea bags have evolved. There is now a variety of shapes and types. The most well-known form in Germany is the double-chamber bag. This small tea bag is shaped so that the tea has more contact points with the water, allowing flavor and color to unfold quicker. Another popular tea bag is the pyramid tea bag, used in the UK. The pyramid shape offers more volume for the tea and for larger fruit pieces, which can fully unfold in the bag after brewing. Tea bags also differ in material. Resistance of the material when dry or wet is crucial. Often the natural fiber of the abaca plant or plastic made from cornstarch is used. At PAPER & TEA, we exclusively use hand-sewn tea bags made of biodegradable cotton for a natural and aromatic taste experience and practical handling.
Tea Bags vs. Loose-Leaf Tea: Which Is More Sustainable?
The environmental aspect is becoming increasingly important also for products like tea. How sustainable are tea bags compared to loose-leaf tea? According to the German Federal Ministry for the Environment tea bags can be disposed with organic waste. However, environmental associations don’t recommend it, as it varies from manufacturer to manufacturer whether all parts of tea bags are easily biodegradable. At PAPER & TEA, teabags are made from biodegradable, environmental-friendly cotton material and can be safely disposed of in organic waste. The energy balance also plays a crucial role in terms of environmental impact. Since the production of tea bags is a more complex and multi-step process, the ecological footprint is slightly larger.

What Are the Environmental Impacts of Loose-Leaf Tea?
Loose-leaf tea is the clear winner in terms of sustainability. Those who want to be particularly mindful of the environment when enjoying tea should opt for loose variations more often. With a reusable stainless-steel strainer like the INFUSER GOLD from PAPER & TEA, tea preparation is especially environmentally friendly. Packaging also plays an essential role in terms of sustainability. Therefore, PAPER & TEA relies on aesthetically pleasing and high-quality packaging. These can be reused, making the packaging more sustainable from an ecological perspective.
Which Variant Is Economic?
Tea bags seem to be the cheaper alternative to loose-leaf tea. However, you will find that you get more for your money in the long run with loose-leaf tea. Moreover, the flexible dosing of loose-leaf tea is not only practical but ultimately cheaper when you want to prepare different amounts of tea. Tea bags are dosed per cup and offer fewer possibilities in this regard and are potentially more expensive. Many teas from PAPER & TEA are intended for multiple infusions. With each additional infusion, new flavors are developed, allowing you to experience your tea in unexpected ways. This not only creates inspiring tea experiences but is also beneficial in terms of cost per infusion.
Taste Experience: Tea Bags vs. Loose-Leaf Tea
Summing up, let's address the most crucial aspect for tea lovers: the taste experience. The fine fanning teas and dust teas in tea bags develop an intense flavor and color within a short time, making it more important to watch the steeping time. On the other hand, loose-leaf teas made from exquisite whole-leaf teas and broken-leaf teas release their deep, complex aroma slowly and evenly into the water. Infused in hot water, the aromatic tea leaves and buds, full-bodied herbs, or fruits unfold their full flavor profile.
Anyone who wants to delve deeper into the culture and variety of tea should opt for loose-leaf tea. After all, it is hard to imagine a traditional tea ceremony with tea bags. However, tea bags have their indispensable place in our lives as a convenient everyday option. Therefore, at PAPER & TEA, you will always find the right tea variant for you. Which tea is your favorite?